
Prerequisite knowledge

  • PlotX has three main ways of connecting - Email linked wallets (Magic Link wallets), MetaMask, and WalletConnect (for other mobile wallets)

  • The Withdraw Funds page allows users to move funds between different wallets and between different networks (Ethereum and Polygon)

Here are the things you can do in the Withdraw Funds page for different wallet types:

Wallet type

Move funds to Ethereum

Move funds to Polygon

Email Linked

Move funds to another wallet on Ethereum

Move funds to another wallet on Polygon


Move funds to the same or different wallet on Ethereum

Not applicable

Reason mentioned below


Move funds to the same or different wallet on Ethereum

Not applicable

Reason mentioned below

The Polygon option is disabled for me. Why?

PlotX is running on Polygon. This means that if you have connected a MetaMask or a mobile wallet with the app, and you are seeing a non-zero amount in the PlotX UI, then that amount in your wallet on Polygon already! Additionally, any rewards you win on the app also come to your wallet on Polygon.

If you want to move these funds to another wallet on Polygon, you can do that from within your wallet by adding the PLOT token as a custom token in your wallet.

If you want to swap your tokens on Polygon, you can go to QuickSwap, connect your wallet and swap.

So, now that we know what the Withdraw Funds page is used for, let's move on to how to use it:


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to withdraw PLOT from your connected wallet on PlotX to another Web3 wallet on Ethereum or Polygon.

Step 1 - Go to the Withdrawal page

Navigate to My Funds > Withdraw

Step 2 - Connect the wallet where you want to receive your PLOT

Make sure that the wallet you connect to has enough ETH in it to cover the gas cost.

Step 3 - Select the network on which you want your PLOT to arrive

PlotX v2 app is on the Polygon network, withdrawing your PLOT from your connected wallet may mean one of two things:

  • Magic Link wallet to another Web3 wallet on Polygon

    • This option is only available if you're using Magic Link wallets

    • You are withdrawing your PLOT from your Magic Link wallet to another Web3 wallet on Polygon Network

  • Connected wallet to another Web3 wallet on Ethereum

    • This option is available for all wallets (Magic Link, MetaMask etc)

    • You are withdrawing your PLOT from your connected wallet to another Web3 wallet (from Polygon Network to Ethereum)

Depending on which of the above two you want to pursue, you need to select one of the two choices as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 4 - Enter the amount of PLOT you want to withdraw

Step 5 - Approve the withdrawal transaction(s)

Withdrawing to Polygon

If you're withdrawing your PLOT to the Polygon network, then all you need to do is sign the initiated MetaMask transaction and that's it, no gas fees at all.

Withdrawing to Ethereum

Withdrawal to Ethereum is a two step process:

  1. Initiate Withdrawal - This step may take up to 3 hour to be completed and doesn't require any gas fees from the user

  2. Withdraw - Once the Initiate Withdrawal step is complete, your funds become available to withdraw. The completion step is a simple MetaMask transaction that can be initiated by clicking on the "Withdraw" button that can be found in the "All Withdrawal" table at the bottom of the page

Last updated