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Further readings on our Medium to know more about various prospects of PlotX

Just getting started with PlotX but don't where to begin? Read this doc to know the basics of PlotX at a glance

There's a lot of CeFi and DeFi prediction market platforms out there, so how does PlotX stand out among them? This document explores all the characteristics that make PlotX different

This document explores all the setbacks that come with traditional prediction markets which reduce their effectiveness and thus hinder their mass appeal, and how PloX solves these issues

As PlotX nears the mainnet launch, the team is excited to throw light on the new features which will be part of the upcoming release

As PlotX nears the mainnet launch, the team is excited to throw light on the new features which will be part of the upcoming release

As PlotX nears the mainnet launch, the team is excited to throw light on the new features which will be part of the upcoming release

Considering the importance and sanctity of correct pricing in PlotX, on-chain price discovery of assets becomes pertinent for smart contracts in PlotX.

PlotX co-founder Ish Goel recently sat down for a podcast with Blockchain Enterprises to share his journey in DeFi from building Nexus Mutual to PlotX

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